Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Frazee House, Pilgerruh Cemetary (off Canal Road/Tinkers Creek Rd.)

This past weekend I went on a Urban Legends Tour of the Cuyahoga Valley National Park. We stopped at the Frazee House which belongs to the park system and is located off Canal Road, just south of the visitor's center. As we roamed around the exterior of the home I snapped some pictures...I later got home and enlarged them and changed the brightness to see if I saw anything unusual...Do you see what I see? Supposedly a Native American Indian was held at this home as a slave and was killed.
The second picture was taken at Pilgerruh Cemetery in the same area. It is likely the oldest cemetery in Ohio. You would never know the cemetery existed if someone didn't show you or tell you where it have to walk up a long dirt hill and past a grassy field. There are no signs whatsoever to tell you there is a cemetery. The cemetery cannot be seen from the road. There isn't a parking lot and you can't drive to it. Anyways, it was just me and my sister walking around and I heard the kids yelling and laughing, so I turned to her and said "I guess were not alone, do you hear those kids?" She looked at me with a blank stare and shook her head no. The voices were pretty loud and clear to me so I was somewhat surprised. We walked down this small hill approaching the graves and I asked her again, "You don't hear those kids?" She said "Well, I think I hear something, but turn around and take a picture anyways." So, this is the picture I took. We never did see any kids in the area...


  1. Hi ! I googled and found your website. Cool !! I've been to the cemetery a few times, and have taken pictures of every stone and will be soon documenting as many as I can for cross reference. My husband has a relative buried there. The walk past the cemetery is very nice. The area was once a working farm. The cemetery belongs, really, to the church below. You may have heard the children playing at the playground there. It's a very nice church. The original, I believe, burned down long ago. The new one is near the same location as the first. A man walking his dog this past Monday, said that one of the parishoners told him that there is still part of the old carraige road that starts almost behind the new church and had looked for it without finding it. I suppose it was the original road to the cemetery. If you plan to go, please be courteous and nice to the history. It's too important to loose. THANKS ! -- Patty

  2. Yesterday me and a friend went to this cemetery we have been photographing local cemeteries and odd points of interest in and around the Cleveland area. It was snowing like crazy on the walk up the path and as soon as we entered the cemetery it stopped all of a sudden, it was very calm almost to the point of being eerie but we started taking pictures anyway and after a few minutes we started feeling as if people were walking around us or standing behind us. The dogs at the bottom of the hill started barking like crazy wich prompted us to leave as we were going I snapped a few last minute random photos. When I returned home and loaded the pics. on my pc I noticed a strange anomoly in one of the last few pics looked like a little white blurr a few feet from the big black tombstone at the edge of the cemetery on closer inspection after magnifying the pic you can plainly see a womans face it looks as if she is screaming.I have tried to debunk it, but after studying the pics I took literally 2 seconds before and after do not show the image and I can find no other

  3. This is a link to see the pic I took in the Cemetery let me know what you think. Thanx

  4. I went to the Frazee house a few weeks ago and I was just looking at my picture of the back window ( and it looks like a person is hanging in the tree. I've heard that there was a lynching on the property and this could be the ghost of that. Does anyone else see this or think that it could be that ghost?

  5. Don't be fooled by your desire to be spooked. I live nearby this cemetery. You are hearing the kids and other local noises of people living in the area.
